The OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) is the largest international survey asking teachers and school leaders about their working conditions and learning environments, and provides a barometer of the profession every five years. Results from the 2018 cycle explore and examine the various dimensions of teacher and school leader professionalism across education systems.
Trends Shaping Education examines major economic, political, social and technological trends affecting education. While the trends are robust, the questions raised in this book are suggestive, and aim to inform strategic thinking and stimulate reflection on the challenges facing education – and on how and whether education can influence these trends.
In the field of education and training, the central theme of the programme of the Romanian Presidency is ‘Connecting Education’, pursuing three major dimensions: mobility, inclusion and excellence.
The report examines the education impact of all population movements: within and across borders, voluntary and forced, for employment and education. It also reviews progress on education in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
In view of increasing diversity, the report analyses how education can build inclusive societies and help people move beyond tolerance and learn to live together. Education provided equally builds bridges; unequal provision raises walls between migrants and refugees and their host communities.
The Autumn package represents the beginning of the 2019 European Semester cycle of economic and social policy coordination. It includes the 2019 Annual Growth Survey, the 2019 Alert Mechanism Report and the 2019 draft Joint Employment Report.
Launch in Brussels by commissioner Tibor Navracsics.
The ET Monitor is a flagship publication for the European Commission. This year is the 7th edition. The topic for this year is citizenship Education.
Since the start of the Juncker Commission, the annual Work Programmes have been focused on a limited number of key initiatives, where EU added value is clear. With all legislative proposals already tabled to deliver on the ten priorities of the Juncker Commission, the priority for the year ahead will be to turn them into legislation and then to implement them effectively.