Three parts in the Monitor:
Citizenship education and civic competences;
Progress towards the ET2020. Two headline targets (Early Leavers from Education and Training and Tertiary Educational Attainment) + other targets: Early childhood education and care; underachievement in reading, maths and science; recent graduates on the labour market and in VET; adult learning; learning mobility.
Investing in education and training.
A second volume of the Monitor presents country reports. The Monitor is accompanied by a leaflet with progress towards the EU targets for 2020, and by factsheets per country.
The Monitor shows progress towards the benchmarks. Benchmarks on ESL and ECEC are practically met. But a major worry remains: negative tendency in basic skills, with increasing numbers of underachieves revealed by PISA. Another problem remains the accessibility of education for all (inclusive education). Investment on education is recovering, but with average of 10,2 % in the EU, Europe stays behind. It is not only about investing more, but about investing smart and efficiently.
Now is a momentum: EU engages to work towards a European Education Area by 2025, puts education high on the agenda, and this is reflected in the budget. This will be further discussed during the European Education Summit (probably September 2019).