Results of the EUNEC consultation on education councils in times of the Covid-19 pandemic
September 25, 2020
At the initiative of the president, Mr Manuel Miguéns, the EUNEC general assembly meeting of 22 June 2020 decided to organize a consultation on the position of education councils in times of the pandemic. The aim is to gather insights from our members, facing similar challenges during this global crisis, so that we can inspire and learn from each other. The results of this consultation can also feed the debates during our 2021 seminar on the theme ‘Are our education sytems fit for the future?’, a theme which has become even more relevant today.
The questions in the consultation paper focus at the one hand on the policy measures taken, and on the other hand on the role and position of the education councils.
The annexed answers to the consultations are work in progress. The documents will be regulary update by our members.