This book provides an overview of key economic, social, demographic and technological trends and raises pertinent questions about their potential impact on education. It makes use of a variety of robust international data resources (including OECD, World Bank and United Nations).The first edition was published in 2008, the second in 2010.
The Council adopted conclusions on the social dimension of higher education. The Irish Presidency updated Ministers on the negotiations on Erasmus for All. Ministers debated 'Ensuring a teaching profession of the highest quality to underpin the achievement of better learning outcomes'
The OECD Education Policy Outlook is meant for policy makers, practitioners and analysts, and reviews different education policies and practices that have been initiated across OECD member countries. It focuses on key policy areas such as raising student outcomes, supporting school improvement, and organising education systems so as to deliver education policy more effectively.
The study on educational support to NAMS has identified three main messages that policy makers should take into consideration while designing integration policies for NAMS through education.
Firstly, an integrated approach to inclusion is important. Targeted policy response to NAMS' needs will only work effectively in an inclusive and comprehensive education system. Secondly, identification of NAMS as a specific target group in education is not a prerequisite for having a good and comprehensive integration policy. Finally, a combination of discretion and national monitoring should be ensured for effective implementation of policies.
The 2012 Education for All Global Monitoring Report examines how skills development programmes can be imporved to boost young people's opportunities for decent jobs and better lives.
The council adopted conclusions on investing in education and training in response to the Commission Communication on 'Rethinking education'.
It also held a policy debate on 'Education and Skills for Jobs, Stability and Growth' in the context of the European Semester.