The Council’s mission is to collaborate with the Ministers of Education and Higher Education and to advise them on all matters relating to education.
The CSE informs the ministers about the state and needs of education. It provides them with a critical reflection based on research, consultation with experts and stakeholders in education, and deliberation by its members. It also advises them on the changes to be made in the education system over the long term. In doing so, the Council ensures that the public has a certain right of scrutiny and influence over the government’s interventions in education.
The Council carries out its mission by exercising three complementary functions:
• Political function: the Council gives advice and proposes orientations to the ministers. It offers a balanced and realistic view not only of what is possible now, but also and above all of what is desirable in the medium and long term.
• Democratic function: the Council promotes closer ties between the population, decision-makers and education stakeholders: teachers, parents, students, education staff and other interested parties. Nearly one hundred people contribute to the work and reflection of the Council and its bodies through their civic commitment and as volunteers. This democratic function is also exercised through the consultations that the Council conducts with the population and the various stakeholders in education.
• Educational function: the Council proposes values, principles, situation analyses and courses of action, which it submits to educational institutions for reflection and deliberation. It pays particular attention to sharing the results of its reflection as widely as possible. The goal of these initiatives is to contribute to public debates on education and to exercise its power of influence with ministerial and governmental authorities as well as with civil society.
The Council aims to become a leading authority and a renewed organization that develops and shares a comprehensive, integrated and evolving vision of education in Quebec.
The Conseil proposes a variety of measures to broaden its sphere of influence on the legislative process and decision-making bodies. The Conseil exercises its influence partly through its readership and target public with the aim of expanding the dissemination and popularization of its work. The Conseil is thus very focused on ensuring successful ownership by relevant stakeholders of published content. It strives for a greater visibility to better communicate its work and to do so is seeking to diversify the channels for disseminating its briefs. It also intends to develop a new form of governance in light of its recent organizational expansion. In short, the Conseil sees its influence, reach and development as the primary drivers of its activities.
In carrying out its mission, the Council is guided by four values:
• Independence: acting impartially and without bias
• Openness: including a diversity of points of view
• Expertise: acting with rigour and professionalism
• Collaboration: bringing together knowledge and expertise in a constructive and consensual manner
Member Nomination Process
The Conseil supérieur de l’éducation (CSE) comprises 22 members – including its President – representing the field of education and other sectors of Québec society.
These members are appointed by the Government following consultation with associations or organizations that are most representative of students, parents, teachers, professors, school, college and university administrators and socio-economic groups. The Deputy Minister of Education and Higher Education or his or her substitute is ex officio associate member, but is not entitled to vote.
The members of the CSE are appointed to a four-year mandate, which can only be renewed once.The members of the CSE receive no salary, with the exception of the President, who has a full-time salaried position. The members of the CSE must adhere to its Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
Website: is external)
Telephone: 418 643-3850
Contact Person: Monique Brodeur, President sends e-mail)
1175, avenue Lavigerie, bureau 180, Québec (Québec) G1V 5B2
Current activities :
Recent publications:
Pour une recherche universitaire diversifiée, reflet et moteur de la société (May 2023) For Diversified University Research that Reflects and Drives Society (summary available in English)
Au-delà des frontières du Québec : regard sur les initiatives inspirantes des universités canadiennes pour, par et avec les Premiers Peuples – Portrait 2021(April 2023) Beyond Québec’s Borders: A Look at Inspiring Initiatives in Canadian Universities for, by and with First Peoples — 2021 Portrait (summary available in English)
L’expérience collégiale en temps de pandémie : points de vue étudiants (February 2023) The College Experience During the Pandemic: The Student Perspective (summary available in English)
La flexibilité de la formation aux différents ordres d’enseignement : l’exemple finlandais
(June 2022) only available in French
Modifications temporaires envisagées au Régime pédagogique de l’éducation préscolaire, de l’enseignement primaire et de l’enseignement secondaire telles qu’elles ont été publiées dans la Gazette officielle le 13 avril 2022 – Pondération des épreuves officielles et nombre de bulletins (June 2022) only available in French
Modification temporaire envisagée au Régime pédagogique de l'éducation préscolaire, de l'enseignement primaire et de l'enseignement secondaire (RPEPEPES) sur le calendrier scolaire, 8 avril 2022 (June 2022) only available in French
La reconnaissance des acquis et des compétences au collégial : une avenue à optimiser et à promouvoir (June 2022) Recognition of acquired competencies at the college level An avenue to be optimized and promoted (summary available in English)
Formation collégiale : Expérience éducative et nouvelles réalités (May 2002)
College education : Educational experience and new realities (summary available in English)
Revenir à la normale? Surmonter les vulnérabilités du système éducatif face à la pandémie de COVID-19 : Rapport sur l’état et les besoins de l’éducation 2020-2021 (December 2021) is external)
Returning to Normal? Overcoming Vulnerabilities in an Education System Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic (summary available in English)
Mémoire sur la liberté académique en enseignement supérieur (June 2021) – only available in French is external)
L’inclusion des familles immigrantes : pour une synergie accrue en éducation des adultes (May 2021) is external)
The Inclusion of Immigrant Families: For A Greater Synergy in Adult Education (summary available in English)
Éduquer au numérique : Rapport sur l’état et les besoins de l’éducation 2018-2020 (December 2020) is external)
Educating For A Digital World (report and summary available in English)
Cheminements rapides dans les études universitaires au Québec (July 2020) is external)
Accelerated Pathways In University Studies in Québec (summary available in English)
Le bien-être de l’enfant à l’école : faisons nos devoirs (June 2020): is external)
Children’s well being at school: Let’s do our homework (summary available in English)
Les collèges après 50 ans : regard historique et perspectives (May 2019): is external)
Québec Colleges After 50 Years: a Look Back and a Look Forward (summary available in English)