Second European Education Summit organised by the Commission

September 26, 2019
Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, hosted the second European Education Summit. This second edition of the Summit focused on the teaching profession and is entitled: 'Teachers first: excellence and prestige for the European Education Area'.

What challenges are teachers facing today and what future developments do we need to anticipate? Are teachers adequately recognised by society? Do they receive the support they need? What is teachers’ role in bridging education and active participation in society and the labour market?
These are the questions explored in a discussion led by teachers with ministers, academics and civil servants.
During the Summit, Commissioner Navracsics also presented the 2019 Education and Training Monitor. The Monitor investigates how well teachers are faring, and builds on the latest results of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) Teaching and Learning International Survey data, among other research.
Alongside a number of in-depth discussions and keynote speeches, this year’s Summit also included a workshop series entitled ‘The Classroom Experience’, examining innovative teaching methods and technology use enhancing modern learning experiences across Europe. (link is external)