How can digital learning environments enhance learning outcomes?
December 03, 2015
In this policy seminar, European experts from teachers’ training, ministries of education, digital champions from industry, researchers and regional authorities discuss how to benefit from digital learning environments and elaborate on how stakeholders can join forces to close the digital skills gap.
Mrs. Godelieve Van den Brande, senior policy advisor Unit Skills and qualification DG Employment and Social Affairs, European Commission and Dr. Marco Marsella, head of unit Inclusion, Skills and Youth, DG Connect, European Commission commented on the European policy context: facing the digital challenges in skills and education.
Professor Päivi Häkkinen (Finnish Institute for Educational Research, University of Jyväskylä) explained about technology-enhanced learning and pedagogically meaningful practices. Saskia Van Uffelen, CEO Ericsson Belux and digital champion Belgium talked about digital skills for a networked society.
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