Education at a glance interim report: Update of employment and educational attainment indicators
February 05, 2015
‘Education at a glance’ is an important source for information on the state of education around the world. It provides data on the structure, finances and performance of the education systems in 34 OECD member countries, as well as some G20 and partner countries. This publication is based on 2013 data collected in the first half of 2014; it is an update of the ‘Education at a glance 2014’ report, and will be followed by the publication of the 2014 data in ‘Education at a glance 2015’.
This interim report presents data on three major topics:
Educational attainment: to what levels have adults studied?
Main conclusions:
• One in six younger adults have not reached upper secondary;
• Lower proportion of older adults have tertiary credentials;
• Larger proportion of young men with lower qualifications in comparison with young women;
• Proportion of younger adults with tertiary education increased in all countries (2000-2013).
Labour market outcomes: how does educational attainment affect participation in the labour market?
Main conclusions:
• Employment rates increase with education in all countries;
• More tertiary educated young men are employed but more women have tertiary credentials;
• Small gap in unemployment for tertiary educated men and women;
• The gender gap widens among young adults with low qualification;
• Higher employment rates for vocational qualifications among upper secondary education.
Transition from school to work: where are the 15-29 year-olds?
• Almost one in five 20-24 years-old is NEET;
• 30 % of the employed 15-29 years-old not in education are not working full time.