Education at a Glance draws on data compiled by the OECD and UNESCO. The 2014 publication also draws from the results of recent OECD surveys: PIAAC, PISA, and TALIS.
Main findings about the EU in Education at a Glance 2014:
Educational opportunities continue to expand significantly in Europe. The share of the adult population with tertiary education has steadily increased in most EU countries during the past decade (to 29%), the share of pupils with less than upper secondary education has decreased. The report confirms the Commission's analysis that, if current trends continue, the Europe 2020 targets for education and training are within reach.
High levels of education and skills pay off for both individuals and society.
Similar levels of educational attainment do not always mean similar levels of skills. There are significant differences in the EU between the skills levels of people with similar qualifications.
The right skills matter during the transition from education to work. Interpersonal skills such as communication and team work are becoming more important and work experience during studies is a plus for the employability of higher education graduates.
The teacher population is ageing.
Private investment in tertiary education is growing. A recent study published by the Commission concludes that student support systems (grants and/or loans) are crucial for offsetting the impact of tuition fees on student enrolments.
Key findings, summary reports at country fiches at