The Monitor shows:
The share of pupils leaving school too early is 11,1 % (target 2020: maximum 10 %; in 2011: 13,4 %)
The share of pupils completing tertiary education is 37,9 % (target 2020: 40 %; in 2011: 34,8 %)
The employment rate of recent graduates is 76,1 % (target 2020: 82 %; in 2008: 82 %)
Participation early childhood education and care is 93,3 % (target 2020: 95 %; in 2010: 92,9 %)
Adult participation in learning is 10,7 % (target 2020: 15 %; in 2011: 8,9 %)
Underachievement in reading is 17,8 % (target 2020: max 15 %; in 2009: 19,7 %)
Underachievement in maths is 22,1 % (target 2020: max 15 %; in 2009: 22,3 %)
Underachievement in science is 16,6 % (target 2020: max 15 %; in 2009: 17,8 %)
There is progress to reach most of the targets. Nonetheless, big gaps remain between and within Member States. The social divide does not disappear. And there is the refugee crisis. In this context, two central issues for the near future will be:
Boosting investment in education and training (invest more and invest smartly)
Promoting inclusion through education.
The Eurydice report ‘Structural indicators for monitoring education and training systems in Europe 2015’Your text to link..., also published on 12 November 2015, provides background and complementary information to the Education and Training Monitor 2015; it includes detailed information on each structural indicator for the reference year 2014-2015.